Decorating the Christmas tree is a special event for families. Getting out those much-loved decorations that the children made at school or nursery. The toilet roll tube angel, the lollipop stick star. The only problem is that these decorations are fragile and over time start to fall apart.
This year we have the perfect Christmas activity for you and your little ones to create decorations that will last. So why not try our easy recipe for salt dough recipe and get creative.
You will need:
- 1 cup salt
- 1 cup water
- 2 cups flour
- Shaped cookie cutter (optional)
- Something to detail your decorations, such as a pen or kebab stick (optional)
In a large bowl mix the salt and flour together. Gradually add the water until the mixture forms a dough.With your hands knead the dough until it is smooth, the longer you knead the smoother it will be.
You can now get busy making your salt dough creations. You can cut shapes out using cookie cutters or you can make your own shapes. Don’t forget to add a hole for ribbon or string if you plan on hanging your decorations on the tree.
Heat the oven to 180C and bake until your decorations have dried out and hardened.
You can paint your decorations using acrylic paint, varnish, glitter and pens.

Add a sprinkle of glitter before the paint dries and then give a coat of varnish to make your decorations sparkle!