If your child has a lot of friends, birthday parties can get expensive quickly. Buying a present for a different birthday boy or girl every week will soon put pressure on your finances. Luckily, with a bit of imagination and creativity, coming up with fun and affordable gifts is pretty easy. To help get you started, here are some of our favourite ideas for party gifts on a budget.
Hit the sales!
At this time of year, you can pick up so brilliant bargains on kids toys. Stock up with a selection of gifts for boys and girls and store them in a drawer or cupboard at home. Next time your child gets a party invite, you’ll have a selection of gifts to choose from. It’s worth keeping an eye out for bargains in end of season sales as well to ensure your gift stash is always fully stocked. Be sure to have a selection of wrapping paper and children’s cards handy too to avoid a last minute dash to the shops. By choosing paper and cards that aren’t too age-specific you can ensure will always have something suitable to hand.
Present Bundle
If you’re on a very tight budget, a great way to make a cheap present seem exciting is to bundle a few affordable gifts together. Head to your local pound shop and pick up some stickers, notepads, cards and toys. You can often find packs of small toy cars or character toiletries that make perfect gifts for classmates. Look out for bargains on craft supplies. Pencils, paper, colouring books and collage bits, when bundled together make an exciting gift. Wrap the gifts in brightly coloured paper or present them in a gift bag and watch the birthday boy or girl’s face light up.
Classic kids games
Classic kids’ toys like Slinkies and yoyos and games like Jenga and Twister never really go out of fashion and many can be picked up very cheaply online. Shops often carry their own versions of these games at a lower price. Many larger supermarkets stock board games, so keep an eye out for any offers on your weekly shop. Orchard Toys have a selection of fun and educational board games for younger children. The best bit about board games is that you are giving a give that the whole family can join in with.
Homemade gifts
Although kids rarely appreciate the effort that goes into creating home-made gifts at the time, they’ll be able to look back on their unique presents fondly when they get older. Help your child to paint a design on a t-shirt, create a beaded necklace or bracelet or make a photo collage for their friend. As well allowing you to create an affordable gift for the birthday boy or girl, this also provides you with a fun and creative activity to enjoy with your child.
Grow your own gifts
Although an empty plant pot may not be the most exciting thing your child’s friend receives on the day, they’ll love watching the planted seeds grow in the coming weeks. You can buy grow your own kits that allow the child to decorate the pot before they plant their seeds. Whether you chose a flower kit or something edible like cress or herbs, you can be sure that it grows fast and has impressive flowers to keep kids interested.
How much do you spend on gifts for your child’s friends? What is the most thoughtful gift your child has received from a friend at a party? Share your gift ideas with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.