Christmas is a time of cheer, that only happens once a year. See what we did there?!
For a fun, yet calming, Sunday activity, why not try a Christmas poetry writing competition?
You can find inspiration from Christmas Songs and carols, poems in Christmas cards. Maybe look out of the window at the wintry weather. You could write a poem about Father Christmas, or your Christmas tree, or maybe even an ode to your mince pie!
For something a bit different, why not try writing an acrostic poem. Think of a festive word to write down the side of your piece of paper, then get busy writing your poem, with the first word in each line beginning with a letter from your festive word.
Younger children can just think of words or phrases to do with Christmas; older children will enjoy being creative with their poems. Remember, a poem doesn’t have to rhyme.
When you’ve finished, why not decorate your poem by drawing a picture at the bottom. If you’ve done an acrostic poem you could decorate each letter with a Christmas theme.
We’d love to see your poems. Share them with us on our Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter using #CaptainChristmas