Children in Need Fundraising Ideas

With Children in Need, tomorrow people are in a frenzy getting last minute sponsors or whipping up some bake sale treats! Schools up and down the country will be raising money, with events such as fancy dress or pyjama days, sponsored silences or even the dreaded baked bean bath!


But so many fundraising events in school aren’t for external charities. With school budgets stretched, most schools have a PTA or a fundraising team to help raise money for extracurricular activities or equipment that may not otherwise be bought. And of course fundraising events aren’t just about raising money, they are a great opportunity to get pupils, parents and staff together and have fun.

If you’re on a school PTA you might have a whole host of imaginative fundraising ideas, but just in case you’re stuck for ideas for your next school fundraiser, Captain Fantastic is coming to your rescue!

Stall Ideas

A Winter Wonderland or a Summer Fete, school fayres are a brilliant way to make some extra money for your school and being held at the end of the Autumn or Summer term, they are a great way to end the term in style. Of course, there is the usual “guess the weight of the cake” or “hook a duck”, but what about adding some different stalls to your next fayre…

  • Jam Jar Tombola. Bored of the usual teddy tombola, or the chocolate tombola.? Why not ask for tombola donations in jam jars? Prizes can be anything, so long as they fill a jam jar. Sweets, Legos, bath bombs, stationary, jewellery beads, seed packets… the list is endless!
  • Guess the number of Legos. Like guess the sweets, but with building bricks! If someone has older children who have outgrown their lego, this is a brilliant addition to any fayre.
  • Coin Line race. Tape a line on the floor and get two teams of eager volunteers to fill that line with as many coins as possible over the course of the afternoon. The first team to the end is the winner.


In the school hall

The benefit of school fundraisers is that you already have a venue. Lots of schools host Quiz Nights or Discos in the school hall and selling tickets to these can be a fun way to raise some funds. For something a little different, you could try…

  • DIY Cinema. The school hall is the perfect place to set up your own cinema. Set up chairs and a projector, you could even get the children to design the tickets. Provide drinks and cinema snacks to make it just like the real thing!
  • Auction. We’ve all heard of the lost luggage auction, where you bid on a lost suitcase with no idea what’s in it! Try adding a different spin to your auction by wrapping up the prizes so people don’t know what they are bidding for! Make the packages as interesting as possible, maybe try a bit of subterfuge, just because it looks like a tennis racket…   They don’t always have to be physical prizes though, how about hosting a Time auction, where people offer their time or skills for people to bid on? A few hours gardening, or an evening a babysitting.
  • Open Mic Night. Just like the kids, the parents are a talented bunch too. From musical maestros to comedic geniuses, they’re all there. Throw in a chip supper or some nibbles and you’ve got a great night!

Top tip logoCoffee mornings give parents a chance to catch up and have a natter whilst also raising a bit of money for the school. To give your next coffee morning a fun twist, why not host a coffee and craft morning? Something like pottery painting, where younger siblings can make a Christmas or Mother’s day gift; even the adults will enjoy getting creative. If you’re getting a company in you might be able to negotiate a percentage of sales as a donation to school funds. And don’t forget to hold an after-school session so school-age children don’t miss out!

In the community

Schools are very much a part of the local community, so when it comes to fundraising, get the community involved. Events such as Fun Runs or car boot sales aren’t just for parents with children at the school, open events up to other people in the local area too. For your next community fundraising event, how about…

  • Treasure hunt. This is a great one for families. Print out some clues to hide around the local area, or a list of things people need to find, and the first family to complete it is the winner. You could add a stop half way round for a picnic at the park, or finish the day with a BBQ on the school field.
  • Pram Race. Everyone loves a pram race! It’s a great opportunity for parents and their kids to get creative and provides great entertainment for spectators. Charge a small fee to take part and provide plenty of refreshments on the day.
  • Street Party. Not just reserved for jubilees, street parties can be for any occasion. Maybe your school has an anniversary coming up or there is a local hero to celebrate? Whatever the occasion, set out long tables in the playground and invite everyone to participate. With plenty of bunting, sandwiches and street games from yesteryear, everyone is sure to have a great time!

For the daredevils

Do you have some marvellous mums or daredevil dads on your PTA? Or maybe the headmaster fancies himself as a bit of an iron-man? How about collecting sponsors taking part in an organised event like a marathon? If running isn’t your thing, how about…

  • Sky Diving. Or bungee jumping. Or abseiling. Anything involving heights is sure to earn some respect on the school run!
  • Mountain Climbing. Everest might be a little bit ambitious, but climbing one or all of the Three Peaks would surely raise a mountain of cash for your school.
  • Sponsored swim. Swim the Thames from the comfort of the local swimming baths! Get people to sponsor your per mile, or per length. This is even one you could get the kids involved in! (The Thames is 215 miles long, in case you were wondering!)


Speaking of getting the kids involved, there are plenty of fundraisers that kids can join in with or even run themselves! Raising funds for their school gives children a real sense of pride and achievement and teaches them some really useful life skills. So how about giving some of these a go…

  • “The Apprentice”. You don’t need Lord Sugar for this one. Give teams of children a pot of money (£10 a team is plenty) and their task is to make a profit. They might use the money to buy ingredients to make cakes, or set up a sweet stall or make crafts to sell. The team that makes the most profit wins a treat.
  • Car Wash. Simple really. Teachers and parents can bring their cars onto the playground to be cleaned by pupils (under adult supervision of course) for a small fee.
  • Showtime. Schools are usually full of all sorts of talent so the possibilities here are endless. How about getting a choir together to sing Christmas carols to passers-by for donations, or hosting a variety show (the headteacher gets to sit in the royal box of course).

What amazing things have your school got planned to raise money? We’d love to hear about them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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